Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Market Indecision & China Comment

     I observe see that the Big Money Breadth Index compiled by Richard Russell  of Dow Theory Letters is showing great strength while the A-D line has been weakening by showing resistance to making new highs. New highs in the DJ Industrials and S and P 500 confirm that the blue chips are currently the predominant Indexes. Does this indicate that the next rally, assuming it comes before a major decline, will be one led by the blue chips with the majority of stocks lagging? In the past, this has been a formula for the creation of major market tops. One thing I have puzzled about is how the type of scenario described above comports with the observation that a major rally in "cats and dogs" also is the harbinger of a longer-term market peak. Can the "cats and dogs" experience an upside explosion while the A-D line is weakening?
     Of course it is quite possible that the A-D line, which has led the market up since the March 10, 2009 lows, is simply undergoing a much-deserved consolidation after which it will resume its strength. I hope that this is the case for it would portend a longer extension of this mini-bull market. This uptrend is drawing closer to equaling in length the 1970-1973 mini-bull advance, which has been a sort of longevity benchmark for me.
     Simply because it has such a large population, it is well to remember that China needs to surpass the US in absolute GDP just to raise its per capita income closer to that of the "developed" nations . Especially ironic for a "Communist" country, China has huge disparities in the distribution of wealth.

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